Monday, June 20, 2011

Invitations: Go Bye-bye!

The invitations have been completed AND sent out! Technically, they were 2 days late out of the gate. But, USPS was so fast getting them to you guys that it does not matter. Seriously, USPS rocked it. We dropped these off around 5pm on Wednesday, June 15. Some of you had them the very next day!

So we showed up at the post office with our box of 79 invites. (If you are counting, we made 85. 4 were hand delivered, 1 we kept for ourselves, and 1 is an extra). I asked the clerk if we could hand cancel them ourselves. He took one look at the box and asked his colleague for the "bullseye" (aka the stamp). Yay for hand cancelling our own invitations.

Here's Jake meticulously stamping each one and making sure the ink is bold red and the stamp very visible:

Here I go with my LEAN manufacturing training, assembly line style. Spread out a bunch of them and then give them all a quick stamp: If your stamp is pink and/or not entirely legible, then you got one of my stamp jobs ;) 

We got back in line, gave them back their stamp and just as I was getting ready to take a photo of Jake handing them all over, the 3rd clerk yells at me. It went something like this:

Clerk: No
Me: *gives her puzzled looked*
Me: Uh?
Clerk: No photos. No photos in government buildings.
Me: Oh! I thought you were telling us that we couldn't bring these [invitations] to the counter.

As a consulation, I made Jake pose next to the sign with the empty box.

60 days

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