Saturday, April 17, 2010

Confessions of a Shoe-a-holic

My name is Celia. Hi Celia. I am a shoe-a-holic; I currently own 50+ pairs of shoes. It's been 21 days since I bought a pair. Applause.

While most women wait until they've found their dress before searching for the perfect pair of shoes, I did not. I've actually had my shoes since the February, I've even tried on wedding gowns with them on. I knew early on what I wanted, the problem was trying to find them in real life. You see, I fell in love with a pair of insensible designer heels; actually two pairs (Valentino and Christian Louboutin): 

How fun is that bow?! Unfortunately, these suckers are a couple of seasons old. And even if I could find them, they're 5-inches tall, and they cost a small fortune. After searching a bit more, I found a pair of Me Too on the DSW website. Reviews gave this shoe pretty high marks for comfort and style. This was definitely much more sensible with 3 and 1/2" heel and it was a pump. I had originally wanted a pump so that I didn't worry about my foot slipping. And to top it all off, this pair costs $55!


They fit perfectly and were oh-so comfortable, EXCEPT, the peep toe opening was too big! Three of my toes poked out. I'm not just talking about the tip of the toes, I'm talking about the entire toe! One random day, I happened to come across another pair of Me Too while browsing through Marshall's shoe selection (one of my favorite places for cheap but fabulous shoes). They look almost exactly the same as the previous pair except for three things: 1) They are slingbacks instead of pumps, 2) the peep toe opening is much smaller, and 3) they are even cheaper, $30!! I can't tell you how comfortable these beauties are. Honestly, it's like I'm wearing sneakers with a heel.

Now, you are probably thinking that this isn't much of a confession. Here comes the shocking part of my story. Since I'm a two dress bride, I'm also going to be a two [pairs of] shoes bride. Our friend N was over last week, so I pulled out my second pair to show her. While I went to go wash my hands before pulling them out of the dust bag, N walked over to the bag and proceeded to read the print on the bag. "Lo...Lou...Loub...Loubou...Loubout...GASP...tin. OhMYGOD." It was then followed by "I can't believe that I'm in the presence of Louboutins."

I didn't pay full price for them, but they still cost me a pretty penny. I won't be counting them against my wedding budget as I got them for my shoe collection. But I will still be eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a long, long, long time.

What's your shoe story?

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