Friday, January 13, 2012

Fab Friday Finds

If I wasn't saving up for a laptop and a trip to Australia, I would buy these things in a heart beat. Oh, almost forgot, new set of tires, bah!

The Vintage Pearl
WANT!! Of course I wouldn't have names printed on my charm. I want to have "Don't Stop Believing" stamped onto it. I would also swap out the aqua stone for one of these clear stones. All the above is possible, without extra charges. I've already checked =) The only thing I'm not sure about is the apostrophe.

How freaken cute is this dress? I love the print. And the colors! I'm not entirely sure about the pleats. This would be super cute paired with a metallic belt and a cardigan. Unfortunately, I purchased my fair of dresses in 2009 for all these weddings that I can't justify adding another dress to my closet.

Totally digging that lamp. Caroline found them at Target. Good thing they aren't available anymore. Then again, not sure if the green would fit with our decor.

These photo clips in the shape of hangers are absolutely frivolous, but oh so cute! My last photography instructor told the class that we should print our photos and display them. A good photo is one that you can look at over and over. But that would mean that I would need to actually sit down and edit my photos AND then print them.

Speaking of photo...the Fuji Instax Mini 25 and Wide Instant Film cameras would be awesome to have. I sourced the image from Photojojo, but B&H has a much better deal on them. I have a couple of gift cards to B&H. They were a gift from a friend as a thank you for helping out with their baby shower. Anyways, I was this close -->||<-- to buying one and some film around Christmas time, but decided against it. I might need to buy new ink cartridges when I finally get around to working on our thank you cards.

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